How to keep a Long Term Relationship alive?

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long term relationship alive

Maintaining positive, healthy, and supportive relationships is challenging for a long time. The initial spark and excitement of a new relationship can fade with time in long term relationship.. It can be a rewarding and difficult journey. Couples need to realize that a long term relationship requires sacrifice, patience, hard work, and compromise and that payoff love, peace, and a loving home life is well worth the effort.

There are some practical tips and strategies to help you in the ups and downs of a long term relationship and also improve the quality and duration of your relationship.

Understanding each other’s needs and desires

The first and most important-term relationship factor is understanding your your own emotional and physical desires. Suppose you have an idea of what you need and want in a relationship. In that case, you can effectively communicate with your partner and create a healthy relationship. Think about past relationships and why those relationships did not work, and then you realise what you need.

Choosing your partner wisely

The person becomes an integral part of your life, so it’s essential to take decisions wisely and into consideration. It would help if you observed how your partner treats others; it’s telling about their character and how they might handle you in the future. Can you talk honestly about your feelings and thoughts? Does your partner try to understand your point of view and listen carefully? You can also learn about

  • Religion.
  • Opinions on having children.
  • Their temper and what they can act like when angry.
  • The person is introverted or extroverted.
  • Hobbies, interests, and activities
  • The bond between your partner and their family.

It is vital to have a partner willing to have open, frank discussions and find constructive ways to resolve conflicts. For a long term relationship, start by selecting someone genuinely compatible with you.

Build friendship

Experts say that couples who are friends are happier and more likely to be in long term relationships. Consider your partner as your friend; you can laugh and have fun with them, share your dreams and fears, and schedule time for things you both like to do, like having a trip and many other things you want to do. It might be possible both hobbies and interests are different, so take time for each other interests and hobbies; at first, you feel you can sacrifice, but your partner will appreciate your effort and be willing to do something that you would like next time. If you are not spending time together, your relationship will not be successful.

Generous with each other

In a long term relationship, having a generous spirit toward your partner is crucial. It’s not all about material gifts; it includes how you can treat your partner regularly. Give your time and attention properly. Show a sincere interest in their ideas, emotions, and experiences. Kindness and thoughtfulness are other ways to show generosity. Small acts of kindness, like cooking their favourite dish, writing a heartfelt note, or planning an unexpected date night, might surprise your partner.


Don’t try to change your partner.

Trying to change your partner is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a long term relationship. It is critical to understand that your partner is unique in their personality,  values, and life experiences. Trying to force people into your perfect notion of what they “should” be is pointless. Still, it can also weaken the base of respect and trust in your relationship and become a toxic relationship.

Constructive Solution to Conflicts

In any relationship, disagreements will always arise, but how you respond to them can make all the difference. Remain calm, focus on the matter together, and try to understand your partner’s perspective to prevent disagreements from getting out of con.

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